Mennonite German Soldiers: Nation, Religion, And Family In The Prussian East, 1772-1880...
Archaeology Of Religion: Cultures And Their Beliefs In Worldwide Context...
God, Actually: Why God Probably Exists, Why Jesus Was Probably Divine, And Why The 'Rational' Objections To Religion Are Unconvincing...
The Fundamentalist Mindset: Psychological Perspectives On Religion, Violence, And History...
Jesus In The Hispanic Community: Images Of Christ From Theology To Popular Religion...
God, Religion And Reality...
Monks And Nuns, Saints And Outcasts: Religion In Medieval Society...
Religion, Anthropology, and Cognitive Science...
No Religion Without Idolatry: Mendelssohn's Jewish Enlightenment...
The Golden Bough: A Study Of Magic And Religion...
How Did Christianity Really Begin A HistoricalArchaeological Approach Truth in Religion...
Religion On Trial...
Experience & Religion: A Lay Essay In Theology...
Bridging The Gap: African Traditional Religion And Bible Translation...
Entre La Fe Y El Poder Politica Y Religion En Mexico Spanish Edition...
An Introduction To Second Temple Judaism: History And Religion Of The Jews In The Time Of Nehemiah, The Maccabees, Hillel, And Jesus...
Leaving The Fold: A Guide For Former Fundamentalists And Others Leaving Their Religion...
Black Magic: Religion And The African American Conjuring Tradition...
Onesimus Our Brother: Reading Religion, Race And Culture In Philemon...
Religion Of Fear...